
Amplify your energy trading, including US Crude and UK Brent oil with no contract requirements or expiration dates. Take advantages of these highly volatile products that present many trading opportunities.
Did You Know?
Energy prices tend to fluctuate based on seasons and economic cycles. Juno Markets offers spot pricing for US Crude and UK Brent oil with no expiration dates. This means your positions remain open until you decide to close them.

Get leverage up to 100:1

Trading available for US Crude & UK Brent Oil

No trading restrictions

Flexible trade size allows for positions of as little as 10 barrels of oil

Deep liquidity

While the utmost effort is made to keep the below table up-to-date, changes may happen that are not reflected on this site. Please always refer to the contract specifications seen in the MT4 Trading Platform for the most accurate information. All times are GMT.
Contract Size
Minimum Trade Size
Trading Hours
Crude Oil Brent
10 Barrels
0.01 lot
3:00 – 24:00
Crude Oil WTI
10 Barrels
0.01 lot
1:00 – 24:00


Standard leverage for all CFD instruments is 200:1 for all account

Margin Call and Stop Out Levels

When a margin call occurs at a 100% margin level, clients are prevented from opening new positions. For ECN accounts, a margin level of 50% will trigger automatic liquidation (stop-out) of positions to protect the remaining equity in the account. For STP accounts, this stop-out occurs at a 30% margin level. When multiple positions are open, stop-outs will first target the positions with the highest drawdown to minimize potential losses.